Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Copenhagen Climate Change Summit

I shall be leaving for Copenhagen for the Climate Change Summit very soon. Climate Change is not an agenda for individual nations or interest groups, but for the entire world. On my sixty-first birthday, I would like to engage with all of you to get your views and thoughts on this important milestone in the history of planet earth.


  1. It is a matter of great pride that you would be at Copenhagen for the Climate Change Summit. We would anxiously await the outcome of the same. Climate change is going to be an issue that is going to be faced by the coming generation. What in your opinion would be a way forward to bring in awarness in the young minds? I feel that they need to be caught when their minds are getting moulded, during their schooling, maybe making it a part of their cariculum. This would be an investment for their future and the future of the world.

  2. Thanks Pawan. Certainly, I shall be compiling my thoughts upon my return on the entire experience and my learnings.
