Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Me & Praj Industries

I believe a Company should be run as we would run our lives, with its joys and sorrows. It is a living organization made up of living beings. It should reflect the values of transparency, respect and creativity through its life-time.

I founded Praj Industries when I was 35 years old. That means I spent a better part of my life as a member of Praj. Today, Praj and my identity has got totally meshed. It is a living organization with people, eco-system, values, ethos that are also part of me. I have enjoyed every moment of being a part of Praj and Praj being a part of me. Recently, we appointed Gajanan Nabar as the new CEO & MD of Praj. While I continue to be engaged as the Executive Chairman, I expect him to take on more and more of the operational responsibility in due course. I am actively involved in the strategic aspect of the Company and as the guardian of the three capitals - Human, Reputation and Financial. As the founder and the pioneering member, Praj is an essential part of my existence and I value all relationships that I have created through the Company - Employees, Customers, Associates, Suppliers and Peers.